Economic Development Projects
Blue Economy
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Naval & Shipbuilding Industry
Maritime Transport System
Coastal & Maritime Tourism
Fisheries Activities
Marine Renewable Energy
OffShore Oil & Gas
Over the last decade the concept of clustering has become a central idea for analyzing the competitiveness of nations, industries and firms. This Web Page shows how the cluster concept can be usefully applied to the study of maritime activities.
Such activities, including shipping, shipbuilding and port and maritime services, are clearly geographically concentrated in a number of maritime clusters. However, these are having to compete with other uses of the coasts and oceans including capture fisheries, marine aquaculture, offshore energy and tourism. Sound governance and planning is therefore required to manage the competing claims for ocean space. This WEB page shows how competing industries and other stakeholders can cooperate and benefit from an integrated approach to the development of maritime clusters.
The contribution of approaches such as integrated coastal zone management and innovations such as ocean business councils, as well as coordinated networks of maritime clusters are reviewed.
Table of Contents
1. Collaborative Economic Development
2. The Growing Multi-Use Ocean
3. Management Strategies within a MSP Framework
4. Managing Conflicts of Interest
5. Marine and Coastal Aquaculture
6. Marine Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Oceans
7. Integrated Coastal Zone Management
8. Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Table of Contents
9. Ocean Governance and the Blue Economy
10. The Ocean Business Community
11. Organized Ocean Business
12. Tourism in Coastal Areas
13. Maritime Clusters Cooperating to Compete
14. Constructing a Local Maritime Cluster
15. Maritime Cluster Networks
16. Clusters and Stewardship